Charles Sprickman wrote:

I saw this little tidbit in the 8.0 Release Notes...

The jail(8) subsystem has been updated. Changes include:

Compatibility support which permits 32-bit jail binaries to be used on
64-bit systems to manage jails has been added.

I know prior to 8.0 with some fancy footwork you could do some
interesting things (for example, I have a jail running a bunch of 32-bit
4.11 stuff on a 7.2 amd64 box), but it was not easy.

Looking at the jail manpage and handbook entries, I'm not seeing
anything that further explains the changes. I've been able to get some
things working in a test setup, but not everything. Any pointers to what
exactly that blurb in the release notes actually means? Google is
getting me nowhere.

My current scenario is this... I have a backups server with a ton of
space. Nightly backups run to this and get zfs-snapshotted each night. I
also have created jails for a number of important hosts so that should I
lose a host, I can bring up a jail on this box to replace it while I
repair things. One host is a 7.2/i386 box. The backups host is
8.0/amd64. Ideally I'd like to copy everything, including the base OS
into this jail, except for perhaps "ps", "top" and other utilities that
might have issues.

(freebsd-jail@ was added in to Cc:)

I think it is nothing new to 8.0, it is the same as release note for 7.2.

I didn't test it, but I think you can install (copy) i386 jail (or whole system) in to amd64 host and just run it as any other jail.

Miroslav Lachman
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