Thanks to Dave for pointing out that my HTML message was stripped. I am trying 
this again.

Hi All,

I'm using FreeBSD as a workstation trying to keep everything as lightweight and
segregated as possible. So I am running GUI applications inside a jail. My 
solution to this is null mounting the Xorg socket inside the jail which allows 
GUI applications to run on the host Xorg without issue. Unfortunately this is 
probably the least secure solution as one jail could access the key strokes of
another jail through the Xorg on the host.

I researched other solutions to this issue and listed them out below with the 
and disadvantages. I would like to hear everyones comments/ideas because maybe
there are betters ways.

1) Using Xpra
+ So far this seems like the most secure solution as every GUI application 
would have
its own xorg instance and cannot see each others key strokes.
+ I assume it's clipboard safe...?

- Good lord the dependencies! This is probably by far the most heavy weight 

2) Using Xephyr (Xnest)
+This solution is also just as secure as Xpra as every GUI jailed app will have 
its own
xorg instance.
+ Much less dependencies than Xpra and therefore more light weight
+ I assume it's clipboard safe...?

- It will produce a whole X window with windows manager in addition to just the 
that I want to run which is space inefficient for monitor real estate.

3) Null Mounting the Xorg socket in the jail
+ The easiest and the most lightweight solution

- The least secure so far according to my research
- Not clipboard safe

4) SSH -X Forwarding
+ Just slightly more weighty than null mounting a socket inside the jail

- It uses X11 security which makes it slightly more secure than a null mount
but it could still see the keystrokes I'm typing into another jail or host.
- Slower X performance..?
- Not clipboard safe

5) Using multiple X servers on different ttys
Using this solution I could group jails according to the level of security that 
they need.
On one Xorg instance say on tty3 I could have my most secure/trusted GUI jails 
and on tty4
I could have less secure less trusted GUI jails. Yes the jails inside of the 
same Xorg instance can
potentially see each others keystrokes but at least I have the lest trusted 
jails in another Xorg

+Not really that heavy of a solution dependency wise because I already have 
Xorg installed on
the host anyways and just running it multiple times
+I'm assuming the separate Xorg instances don't see each other's keystrokes...?
+/- I assume it's clipboard safe between the separate Xorg instances but not
in the same Xorg instance.

-Less flexible of a solution which can affect my workflow, but maybe not so bad.

6) Use Null mounts for the Xorg socket but use a script to 'KILL -17' (suspend) 
all jails and their
processes except for the one jail that I wish to work with at a time. Then 
resume them

+This is a pretty lightweight solution if slightly complex

-A suspended app can still receive keystrokes but will not register them until 
The only assurance I have is that the suspended jailed GUI app cannot request to
become the active window (I Think..?) and so as long as I type into the correct
non-suspended jail, the other suspended jails cannot see keystrokes.

Comments? Questions? How does everyone else do it?
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