i know there's been some debate on this... but what is the current thinking
in the light of any possible changes to KAME?

the problem is that classic one: two ipsec hosts negotiate keys.. one's a
server, one's a client... establish SAs and all is well. now, if one ike
daemon is gracefully pulled down it sends a delete to itself and the other
host, clearing the spds and sad entries... all is fine too. (i'm using

now - what __should__ happen if one of the hosts, client or server, is
ungracefully rebooted... should the server NOT respond to a new phase 1
negotiation? ... or should it waiut till the full phase 1 time out which
could be 8 hours or more!!! or should it accept the new negotiation?

 i think (i may be wrong) that freebsd4.4r does accept new negotiations, and
new entries are placed in the sad BUT: the machine accapts new SPI
streams... but sends back old-SPI streams... confusing the rebooted machine.

 any light on this?


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