At 08:59 17/10/2002 +0200, Ruben van Staveren wrote:
>Isn't this something that can overcome the current shortcomings of jail(2) ?
>(the no other stacks/no raw sockets problem)

I've been tempted at looking into jail-ifying raw sockets as well, but time 
has precluded me from doing so (and from tracking -stable regularly). I 
must say that this virtualization sounds very promising in making the jail 
even more useful! And of course all the other avenues that are made 
possible with this. I guess the main/traditional question to ask first 
would be:
This change adds abstraction, therefore it probably reduces performance - 
by how much?

Thanks for the initiative Marko, I hope this will be seriously considered 
for inclusion (barring any negative side-effects of it). And I hope I'll 
have a chance to give it a test-drive soon! :)


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