On Fri, 18 Oct 2002, Kelly Yancey wrote:

> > You should definitely clarify how fast the smartbits unit is pushing
> > out traffic, and whether its speed depends on the measured RTT.
> >
>   It doesn't sound like the box is that smart.  As it was explained to me, the
> test setup includes a desired 'load' to put on the wire: it is measured as a
> percentage of the wire speed.  Since our SmartBit unit only supports
> 100base-T and doesn't understand vlans, we have to use 7 separate outbound
> ports, each configured for 14.25% load.  To the GigE interface, this should
> appear as 99.75 megabits of data (including all headers/framing).

  Oops.  That was actually the explanation of the SmartBits 'desired ILoad'
which I didn't quote in the posted numbers.  The actual number of packets
transmitted is based on RTT.  Sorry for the confusion,


Kelly Yancey -- kbyanc@{posi.net,FreeBSD.org}
"No nation is permitted to live in ignorance with impunity."
        -- Thomas Jefferson, 1821.

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