
I'm trying to have failover with a couple boxes and they're basically doing NAT and firewalling. 1 box has a couple fxp and the other a couple rls. Is this supposed to be a problem for freevrrpd?

Only fxp box actually can use the fail-over ips. The backup box cannot use them if we start freevrrp deamon without starting on the master first and it's impossible to have network access to.

Further more, if we have master and start backup, it all goes ok. If master goes down, backup never takes over and backup is from now one impossible to access.

Main box: 5.2.1-p5
backup box: 5.0

Config for the fxp box:

serverid = 2
interface = fxp0
priority = 255
addr =
password = passie
useVMAC = yes
carriertimeout = 10
spanningtreelatency = 40
#sendgratuitousarp = yes
#masterscript = "/usr/local/bin/master_script.sh"
#backupscript = "/usr/local/bin/backup_script.sh"
vridsdep = 1

serverid = 1
interface = fxp1
priority = 255
addr = x.x.x.253/32
password = passie
useVMAC = yes
carriertimeout = 10
spanningtreelatency = 40
#sendgratuitousarp = yes
#masterscript = "/usr/local/bin/master_script.sh"
#backupscript = "/usr/local/bin/backup_script.sh"
vridsdep = 2

backup box:

serverid = 2
interface = rl0
priority = 250
addr =
password = passie
useVMAC = yes
carriertimeout = 10
spanningtreelatency = 40
#sendgratuitousarp = yes
#masterscript = "/usr/local/bin/master_script.sh"
#backupscript = "/usr/local/bin/backup_script.sh"
vridsdep = 1

serverid = 1
interface = rl1
priority = 250
addr = x.x.x.253/32
password = passie
useVMAC = yes
carriertimeout = 10
spanningtreelatency = 40
#sendgratuitousarp = yes
#masterscript = "/usr/local/bin/master_script.sh"
#backupscript = "/usr/local/bin/backup_script.sh"
vridsdep = 2

I'm using freevrrpd from CVS.

On both machines, I get in /var/log/messages, gazillions of

"all errors are cleared on interface xxx"

There's not any particular information in backup box saying something went wrong...

Any ideas ?


Bruno Miguel Afonso
Biological Eng. student
D.E.Q. @ I.S.T. - Portugal
GnuPG Public key: http://dequim.ist.utl.pt/~bruno/gpg
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