On Tue, Aug 02, 2005 at 12:34:54PM -0500, Matthew Grooms wrote:
> Woohoo!!! Thanks!!! I was just checking poking around for this last week 
> and wondering when someone was going to bring this support to FreeBSD.

Well, I made at least one guy being happy today, cool :-)

> >For some months now, ipsec-tools is now the "official" version of
> >racoon, the KAME's isakmp daemon.
> I hope it shows up in ports soon. The racoon port maintainer mentioned 
> that the most recent import would be the last and the KAME racoon 
> developer has stated he won't be maintaining the code anymore. A lot of 
> fixes have shown up in ipsec-tools after the fork from the KAME project 
> as well as hybrid user authentication support via pam. OpenBSDs isakmpd 
> supports NAT-T as well. FreeBSD seems to be the straggler here.

Yep, we (the Ipsec-tools team) and KAME team agreed a few month ago
about that, and about the fact that the new "official" racoon's
version was now ipsec-tool's one.

> If memory serves me right, KAME IPSEC is still not SMP safe at the 
> moment. It seems like FAST_IPSEC had a caveat as well like it doesn't 
> work with IPV6 or something like that. Could it be that there is no 
> developer that 'owns' these subsystems? Perhaps rrwatson has this on his 
> list of things to attack with his ninja net hacking skills.

I don't think so.

KAME stack still uses the splnet() "giant lock", and I have a
(probably not complete) list of missing locks, but I guess it should
be quite SMP safe (at least when I'll have some time to make a clean
patch for the missing locks, but this is not SMP specific).

> >Are you interested in it?
> Yes ( as a user ) but I am not a FreeBSD developer. I think there was 
> initially resistance from open source groups to integrate this support 
> due to patent issues ( maybe just WRT usage w/ IKEv1 ) but must have 
> been resolved as both OpenBSD and Linux support this functionality now.


KAME team did not integrate another NAT-T implementation a few years
ago for those reasons.

More infos about that may be get from Emmanuel Dreyfus, a NetBSD
developper and a member of the ipsec-tools team, which made the NetBSD
NAT-T support, and told me a few month ago that NetBSD lawyers were
looking at that potential IPR issue.

But I guess Manu's personnal answer will be something like "most of us
live in Europe, so we don't care about such patents" :-)

> It would be very cool to get NAT-T + ipsec tools support as it opens the 
> door for FreeBSD to compete with the big boys in the client based VPN 
> market at some point down the road and offers an IPSEC alternative to 
> OpenVPN.

Well, I though that OpenVPN was the alternative, and IPSec the
standard :-)

> >Of course, it would also be interesting to have an ipsec-tools port,
> >I'll contact the ports list for such an integration.
> Fantastic! The website states that it compiles cleanly and works well on 
> FreeBSD so it should be a piece of cake.

That has been my first "job" as an ipsec-tools developer, and working
Free/NetBSD is now again an official goal of ipsec-tools.

> I am in the process of moving but once settled and upgrade to 6 I will 
> definitely test out your patches and would be willing to test out any 
> ipsec-tools port as well. Thanks again for your work on this.

I already have "something which can be used as a base to make a port",
I'll send it to the ports mailing list as soon as I'll have some time
to clean it up a little bit.

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