On Fri, Feb 02, 2007 at 11:03:26PM +0100, Bartosz Giza wrote:
> Hi,
> recently i have set up bridge based on if_bridge implementation.
> I have IP address assigned to bridge0 iface and no addresses assigned
> to members of bridge0.
> Basicly i am configuring bridge0 in rc.conf:
> cloned_interfaces="bridge0"
> autobridge_interfaces="bridge0"
> autobridge_bridge0="rl0 rl1 em0"
> ifconfig_bridge0="inet netmask"
> ifconfig_bridge0_alias0="inet  netmask"
> ifconfig_rl0="up"
> ifconfig_rl1="up"
> ifconfig_em0="up"
> The problem is with my first alias( after system reboot this
> alias is not visible over network. I can ping this ip on bridge box
> but no other host can ping this address.
> When i delete this alias from iface with:
> ifconfig bridge0 delete
> and again add on running system
> ifconfig bridge0 add

Do you see if the address is arped correctly from the other host? you
can use tcpdump to view this or just add it statically to see if this
resolves the problem. When you re-add the alias it will send out a
gratuitous arp which suggests this is the problem.

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