Hi Michael Tuexen! 

On Wed, 5 Mar 2008 11:59:14 +0100; Michael Tuexen wrote about 'Re: SCTP using 
questions (API etc.)':

>> "substreams". SCTP can do it for me, it's wonderful, but in practice  
>> there
>> are some questions.
>> How long can be one particular SCTP message? Can I rely on the fact  
>> that it
>> can be unbounded, e.g. I want to emulate a stream with transfer of
>> 6 Gig-sized file?
> Protocol wise there is no limitation of the message size. API wise, for
> this size of a message you need to use the explicit EOR mode to be able
> to pass this large message using multiple sequential send() calls.

And how should I determine from my/remote stack an optimal size for message
parts when entire message is guaranteed to not fit into buffers/windows of
both peers?

>> Can a message be of zero-length data (only headers) ?
> Empty user messages, i.e. a DATA chunk without payload is not allowed.
> An empty SCTP message, i.e. only the common header without any chunks
> is allowed and processed by FreeBSD when received, but ever send (well,
> I do not know a way to force the FreeBSD implementation to send it).

OK, understood. So I should include at least 1 byte of my own headers into
data and do receive into *iov with at least to parts to ensure good align
for non-header part?

>> What is the relation between SCTP streams in both directions? Can  
>> streams
>> be opened and closed on-demand, like SSH port forwarding (yet again
>> multiplexing example) or they are preallocated at connection setup all
>> together? What is the minimum number of streams application can rely  
>> upon
>> (or it just one stream 0 in general case) ?
> If you restrict to protocols being in RFC status, there is no way of
> modifying the number of streams during the lifetime of an association.
> The number of streams in each direction is negotiated during the
> association setup. The streams in bother directions are completely
> independent. There is always at least one stream in each direction,  
> which
> is stream 0.
> However, there is an extension (currently specified in an Internet  
> Draft)
> which allows the addition of streams during the lifetime of an  
> association.
> The ID is at least partially supported by the FreeBSD implementation.
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/drafts/draft-stewart-sctpstrrst/

OK. Are there recommended defaults for various stacks about how many
streams they are creating by default / what maximum of them application
can ever request?

>> Another important questions are related with blocking and non- 
>> blocking I/O.
>> With TCP servers I have two models: in one a thread/process per client
>> (usually blocking), in other - a single-threaded FSM (Finite-State  
>> Machine)
>> serving all clients using select()/poll()/kqueue()/etc. Both rely on  
>> the
>> usual UNIX way of creading new file descriptor on accept().
>> My server currently uses FSM model, but question is interesting for  
>> both.
>> I didn't find any words about descriptor duplication or non-blocking  
>> I/O
>> in SCTP man pages
> Have you looked at
> http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-tsvwg-sctpsocket-16.txt

Yes, I've looked to it briefly before writing my previous letter and
have re-read it after your pointing. I've found answers for some of
my question, but that's overall is too complex for me for the first time,
so I'll ask some another questions below :)

>> How can I put request to kernel for a connect, for example, and then  
>> sleep
>> until connect will complete or event in some another descriptor will  
>> occur?
> If you use the 1-to-1 style API, it should be similar to using TCP.
> Put the socket in non-blocking mode, enable notifications,
> call connect() and wait until the fd becomes readable. You should get an
> indication that that association has been established or could not  
> start.

Yes, that's possible, as I see after reading draft-ietf-tsvwg-sctpsocket.
But several more questions arise. What notifications do I really need
on 1-to-1 non-blocking socket API mode? What use is 'context' in this
1-to-1 context and why after a failed send I must receive entire failed
sent message (which can be very long) instead of just an error code?

In usual FSM I can use kqueue()/kevent() with arbitrary void* to my
data, also telling me how many bytes I can read from or write to
the socket (RCVLOWAT etc.), as well as indicating error/EOF conditions
so I don't need to do additional syscalls. Is this working with SCTP?

If I can't write to TCP socket (due to window shortage from peer),
I leave data in my own application buffers, but SCTP tells something
about unsent messages delivered later, looks somewhat weird, do I really
need this? Also, all that msg*/cmsg* staff is too complex, and I see
there are simplier sctp_send()/sctp_sendx() interfaces, will they be
enough and really simplier for me?..

>> How can I put each client to it's fd and then do a kqueue()/kevent()  
>> on a
>> set of those fd's (and other items) ? It is very handy to have this
>> architecture as kevent() allows to store an arbitrary void* in it's
>> structure which I can later use to quickly dispatch events.
>> And, of course, all this usual C10K-problem-solving-TCP-server  
>> tricks I want
>> with basic SCTP SEQPACKET benefits: multiple streams and message  
>> record
>> separation (I don't need other SCTP features currently). Where can I  
>> find
>> answers to these questions, like it was with W.R.Stevens books for  
>> TCP ?..
> Have you looked at the third edition of 'Unix Network Programming'?  
> Randall Stewart wrote a couple of sections covering SCTP...

Unfortunately, I have only 2nd edition currently available here, though
heard about 3rd, yes. May be several months later...

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