
I'm running a 7.0-RELEASE machine. I've backported the 7-STABLE for
ng_nat, because I'm really interested in the static NAT features from

ng_nat(4) says:
| NGM_NAT_REDIRECT_ADDR (redirectaddr)
|   Redirect traffic for public IP address to a machine on the local
|   network.  This function is known as static NAT.  The following
|   struct ng_nat_redirect_addr must be supplied as argument.
|   struct ng_nat_redirect_addr {
|           struct in_addr  local_addr;
|           struct in_addr  alias_addr;
|           char            description[NG_NAT_DESC_LENGTH];
|   };
|   Unique ID for this redirection is returned as response to this
|   message.

I'm a little confused on exactly how to pass a struct as a message to a
netgraph node via ngctl. What am I missing here?


Chris Cowart
Network Technical Lead
Network & Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

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