On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 11:32 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At Thu, 17 Apr 2008 21:00:04 -0700,
> Kip Macy wrote:
>  >
>  > I would like to MFC TOE and RDMA support in the last week of May /
>  > first week of June. My primary objective is that it be present in 7.1.
>  > The re team has not yet decided when the freeze date for 7.1 will be,
>  > so I may end up asking to do it earlier.
>  >
>  > The reason I'm bringing it up roughly 6 weeks in advance is that there
>  > is a certain amount of debate with regards to the ABI guarantees that
>  > FreeBSD network developers are willing to commit to for the remaining
>  > life of the RELENG_7 branch.
>  >
>  > I've made the following two simplifying assumptions:
>  >    - struct tcpcb and struct sockbuf are append only - i.e. if members
>  > are added, they will be added to the end
>  >    - lock ordering will not change, e.g. the inpcb lock will always be
>  > acquired before the sockbuf lock
>  >
>  > Is there any reason to believe that these simplifying assumptions are
>  > not acceptable? If so, why?
>  >
>  >
>  > I've added the following sets of accessor functions:
>  >    - lock acquire/release for socket, sockbuf, inpcb
>  >    - higher level functions for tcp shutdown and syncache to abstract
>  > away the tcbinfo lock
>  >    - accessor functions for all the accessed fields in socket and
>  > inpcb so that none of the members are referenced as offsets from the
>  > base of the structure
>  I apologize for not yet reviewing all the code.  I take that last bit
>  to mean the drivers can reach up into sockets given those functions?
>  I gather this is due to the work necessary to implement RDMA over TCP?
>  > The current state of the code can be seen at:
>  >
>  Is there a simple way to get just that directory without doing a svn
>  on your whole repo?  And if not, what's the easiest way to just grab
>  that stuff?

You can check out any individual subdirectory, eg.
svk co
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