Luigi Rizzo wrote:
On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 10:48:32PM +0400, rihad wrote:
Hi, all,

Recalling my old posting "dummynet dropping too many packets" dated October 4, 2009, the problem isn't over just yet. This time, there are no interface i/o drops (just a reminder: we have 2 bce(4) GigE cards connected to a Cisco router, one for input, and one for output. The box itself does some traffic accounting and enforces speed limits w/ ipfw/dummynet. There are normally around 5-6k users online).

If i remember well, the previous discussion ended when you
raised the intr_queue_maxlen (and perhaps increased HZ) to
avoid that the bursts produced by periodic invocation of
dummynet_io() could overflow that queue.

I've never seen intr_queue_drops rise. It was HZ=2000 and changing if_bce.c to force ifp->if_snd.ifq_drv_maxlen = 4096 (8192 now) stopped the output drops back then. Lately we've been experiencing interface-level input drops as well (as showed by netstat -i Ierrs column), setting HZ=4000 solved the issue.

From the rest of your post it is not completely clear if you have
not found any working configuration, or there is some setting (e.g.
with "queue 1000" or larger) which do produce a smooth experience
for your customers.

It's pretty hard to set slots in terms of seconds, as slots may vary in size. I'll try setting queue sizes to Kbytes for the duration of 1-2 seconds as you suggested, and use the taildrop queuing algorithm with it.

Another thing i'd like to understand is whether all of your pipes
have a /32 mask, or there are some which cover multiple hosts.
Typical TCP connections have around 50 packets in flight when the
connection is fully open (which in turn is hard to happen on a 512k
pipe) so a queue of 100-200 is unlikely to overflow.

Yes, all masks are currently /32. 512 isn't used that much, speeds of several mbps are.

In fact, long queues are very detrimental for customers because
they increase the delay of the congestion control loop -- as a rule
of thumb, you should try to limit the queue size to at most 1-2s
of data.

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