On 03/17/11 13:59, Mike Tancsa wrote:
On 3/16/2011 9:32 PM, Da Rock wrote:
I'm running into all sorts of issues setting up l2tp networking. I think
I have the IPSEC part worked out, but testing parts at a time l2tp dies
in a hole.
Try without IPSEC first to make sure you have the l2tp portion correct.
Also, make sure no firewall rules are getting in the way.
Check the last note- local net only atm for testing, though the result is the same through the firewall and on the public net. IPSEC works (I think), but has been bypassed to resolve the l2tp issues anyway. So the only thing between the server and client is the local network.
I have this simple mpd5 config file to act as an l2tp server in my test

         # configure mpd users
         set user admin xxx admin
         # configure the console
         set console self 5005
         set console open
         # configure the web server
         set web self 5006
         set web open
         log +IPV6CP
         log +IPV6CP2

         load l2tpserver

# Define dynamic IP address pool.
         set ippool add pool1 xx.159.245.1 xx.159.245.5
         set ippool add pool1
         set ippool add rfc1918

# Create clonable bundle template named B
         create bundle template B
         set iface idle 1800
         set iface enable tcpmssfix
         set ipcp disable vjcomp
         set bundle enable ipv6cp
         set ipcp deny vjcomp
         set ipcp ranges xx.43.128.6/32 ippool pool1
         set ipcp dns yy.211.164.51 zz.212.134.12
         #set ipcp nbns
# Set bundle template to use
         create link template L l2tp
         set l2tp hostname sentex
         set l2tp disable dataseq
         set link action bundle B
# Enable peer authentication
         set link disable eap
         set link enable pap
         set link disable acfcomp
         set link disable protocomp
         set link disable check-magic
         set link deny acfcomp
         set link keep-alive 10 60
         set link deny protocomp
         #load radius
         set link mtu 1492
         set link mru 1492
         set link enable incoming
         set link disable peer-as-calling

For the client, mpd5 works with the following config

# PPPoE client: only outgoing calls, auto reconnect,
# ipcp-negotiated address, one-sided authentication,
# default route points on ISP's end

         create bundle static B1
         set iface route default
         set ipcp ranges

         create link static L1 l2tp
         set link action bundle B1
         set auth authname testaccount-in-mpd-secret-file
         set auth password thepass
         set link max-redial 0
         set link mtu 1460
         set link keep-alive 20 75
         set l2tp peer

I also had an unscheduled reboot (power failure) and that showed up a
warning: "attempt to domain_add(netgraph) after domainfinalize()" which
I could never quite figure was fatal or not.
Thats ok. Its not an issue and is more informational than anything
Ok. So then my main question is going to be: when should I see a ng node through ifconfig? Is it "enabled" (for want of a better term) when the server is started, or once a connection is established? Is it the same for mpd4 and mpd5?

And shouldn't I see something in the nglist as well?
It appears the control connection is setup and then fails for some
inexplicable reason. The client (android) logs show the same, but it is
definitely the server that kills the connection. Anything I've missed?
Make sure there are no firewall rules getting in the way.  And if
possible, use a client that you know "works".  The above server works
with Windows clients with IPSEC disabled.  Start there, or with a
FreeBSD client.

Windows "works"? Interesting premise :) Sorry, can't help myself...

I have now only got a "clean" network- FBSD only ;) so I'll have to try with an mpd client then.

Thanks Mike, I'll be back with some more results soon- it will take time to install mpd.

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