>> Have you tried to set the loader-tunable hw.bge.allow_asf to 0?
>> The default for that option still is different between 8 and 9+.
> it no longer panics when booting, but the interface comes up not
> seeing carrier

an additional datum.
  o with hw.bge.allow_asf untouched, i.e. default
  o with /boot/device.hints having hint.bge.0.disabled=1
  o with /etc/rc.conf having
      ifconfig_bge0=" media 1000baseTX"
  o it boots but bge0 carrier is down and can not be brought up

comment out the bge0 entries in /etc/rc.conf, and it boots, carrier is
up, and can be hand configured with the address assignments, and works.

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