- What bind listening?  (Can you see it with netstat?)
- What port is it listening to?
- What errors (if any) are in the error log?

I'm afraid your question really isn't a specific FreeBSD problem.
You might have better luck on the BIND mailing list.


On Wed, Jul 04, 2012 at 06:43:00AM -0700, m s wrote:
> Hi all.
> I want to config FreeBSD as a dns server. I did below configuration but
> when I use "nslookup" command it doesn't work. I also enabled named service
> in rc.conf file and put my ip as a nameserver in "resolv.conf".
> what am I missing?is there anything else I should do?
> any help would be appriciated.
> My "named.conf" file:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> options {
>                 directory              "/etc/namedb";
>                 pid-file  "/var/run/named/pid";
>                 dump-file            "/var/dump/named_dump.db";
>                 statistics-file       "/var/stats/named.stats";
> };
> zone "." { type hint; file "/etc/namedb/named.root"; };
> zone "0.0.127.IN-ADDR.ARPA" {
>               type master;
>               file "master/localhost.rev;
> };
> zone "ictptk.net" { type master; file "/etc/namedb/master/db.domain"; };
> zone "10.10.10.in-addr.arpa" {
>              type master;
>              file "/etc/named/master/db.ict";
> };
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> my "db.ict" file :
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> $TTL       3600
> @            IN           SOA       ns.ictptk.net. root.ns.ictptk.net.   (
> 2001220200
> ;Serial
>                                                                 3600
> ;Refresh
>                                                                 900
> ;Retry
> 3600000
> ;Expire
>                                                                 3600
> )
>  ;Minimum
>                 IN           NS          ns.ictptk.net.
> 1              IN           PTR        ictptk.net.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> my "db.domain" file :
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> $TTL       3600
> @            IN           SOA       ns.ictptk.net. root.ns.ictptk.net.   (
> 2001220200
> ;Serial
>                                                                 3600
> ;Refresh
>                                                                 900
> ;Retry
> 3600000
> ;Expire
>                                                                 3600
> )
>  ;Minimum
>                                    IN        NS         ns.ictptk.net.
> ictptk.net               IN          A 
> www.ictptk.net.   IN    CNAME   ictptk.net.
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