On Thu, Jul 05, 2012 at 12:00:07PM +0300, Vyacheslav Kulikovskyy wrote:
> 2012/7/5 Eugene Grosbein <egrosb...@rdtc.ru>
> > 04.07.2012 18:30, Vyacheslav Kulikovskyy пишет:
> > > i have sever with two 1G links (em) aggregated by lagg0
> > >
> > > after 1700Megabits i have collisions/errors on lagg0 port, but not on em0
> > > or em1
> > >
> > > I'm using nginx in own CDN. and server don't limited my mbufs, irq, or
> > > anything else.. only lagg0 errors (
> >
> > lagg0 by default uses way too small output FIFO queue, 50 slots.
> > You definitely want to increase this to sum of your em intefaces
> > txd buffers at least. So, if you use hw.em.txd=4096, you should
> > use 8192 for lagg or more. I prefer 10K, in /boot/loader.conf:
> >
> > net.link.ifqmaxlen=10240
> >
> > Reboot is required.
> >
> > Eugene Grosbein
> >
> This is solution don't help me
> hw.em.txd: 4096
> net.link.ifqmaxlen: 10240
> # netstat -w 1 -I lagg0
>             input        (lagg0)           output
>    packets  errs idrops      bytes    packets  errs      bytes colls
>      77600     0     0    4771508      71175    70  208916199     0
>      79747     0     0    4885070      73101   242  218847447     0
>      84956     0     0    5262540      74504   455  213752515     0
>      81333     0     0    4998499      73836   229  215808086     0
> and no errors on em0,em1
> more info: FreeBSD 9.0-STABLE #0: AMD64
> ps after small test i'll try patch from  Andrew Thompson

Would you be able to produce a tcpdump capture of the traffic causing
this on all three interfaces ?

tcpdump -s 112 -w em0.pcap -p -c 5000 -i em0
tcpdump -s 112 -w em1.pcap -p -c 5000 -i em1
tcpdump -s 112 -w lagg0.pcap -p -c 5000 -i lagg0

Tar em up and put them somewhere in a http or ftp you know about but
noone else does and email appropriate person with the link.


 - (2^(N-1))

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