Mark Kamichoff <> wrote
  in <>:

pr> On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 05:45:15AM +0900, Hiroki Sato wrote:
pr> > Try ip6addrctl_policy="ipv6_prefer" in rc.conf.
pr> Excellent.  Thank you.  I glanced right over that in
pr> /etc/default/rc.conf.  I just added the above line to /etc/rc.conf and
pr> ran /etc/rc.d/ip6addrctl start prefer_ipv6.  Now, it works as expected:
pr> (dax:16:47)% telnet 80
pr> Trying 2001:470:0:76::2...
pr> Connected to
pr> Escape character is '^]'.
pr> ^]^D
pr> telnet> Connection closed.
pr> It's my understanding that by leaving ip6addrctl_policy as AUTO will
pr> only prefer IPv6 if ipv6_enable_all_interfaces is set to YES, which it
pr> is in my /etc/rc.conf.  However, it appears that this never resulted in
pr> ip6addrctl_prefer_ipv6 being called from /etc/rc.d/ip6addrctl.  Maybe
pr> I'm reading this wrong ...

 It is ipv6_activate_all_interfaces, not ipv6_enable_all_interfaces.
 If YES, AUTO (the default value) will set it as ipv6_prefer

-- Hiroki

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