
Trying out FreeBSD for the first time to build a firewall box that’s multi-core 
and runs PF.  I’m very interested in the FIB code, as it lines up well with the 
way my core networking equipment works and should allow me to route traffic on 
an interface that’s logically separate from the management interfaces.

I’ve been playing for a bit with the FIB features, but I’m getting hung up on 
IPv6.  I’m trying to set up two interfaces on my box to each have a different 
FIB, and to not leak routes between the interfaces:

# sysctl net.add_addr_allfibs=0
# ifconfig em1 inet fib 1
# ifconfig em1 inet6 2001:db8:dead:beef::1/64 fib 1
# ifconfig em2 inet fib 2
# ifconfig em2 inet6 2001:db8:cafe:babe::1/64 fib 2

If I then check the routing tables for each FIB, here’s what I get:

# setfib -F 1 netstat -rn

Routing tables (fib: 1)

Destination        Gateway            Flags      Netif Expire       link#2             U           em1          link#2             UHS         lo0

Destination                       Gateway                       Flags      
Netif Expire
2001:db8:cafe:babe::/64           link#3                        U           em2
2001:db8:dead:beef::/64           link#2                        U           em1
2001:db8:dead:beef::1             link#2                        UHS         lo0
fe80::%em1/64                     link#2                        U           em1
fe80::a00:27ff:fef6:162a%em1      link#2                        UHS         lo0
fe80::%em2/64                     link#3                        U           em2
fe80::%lo0/64                     link#5                        U           lo0

# setfib -F 2 netstat -rn

Routing tables (fib: 2)

Destination        Gateway            Flags      Netif Expire     link#3             U           em2        link#3             UHS         lo0

Destination                       Gateway                       Flags      
Netif Expire
2001:db8:cafe:babe::/64           link#3                        U           em2
2001:db8:cafe:babe::1             link#3                        UHS         lo0
2001:db8:dead:beef::/64           link#2                        U           em1
fe80::%em1/64                     link#2                        U           em1
fe80::%em2/64                     link#3                        U           em2
fe80::a00:27ff:fe62:d267%em2      link#3                        UHS         lo0
fe80::%lo0/64                     link#5                        U           lo0

Note that as expected, the IPv4 routes are constrained to their FIB ( 
to FIB 1 and to FIB 2).  However, the IPv6 routes (deadbeef and 
cafebabe) leak between the FIBs; both prefixes that I add are listed in both 
FIBs (as well as the link-local stuff).

According to:


IPv6 parity is claimed for the FIB code, so I’m not sure if I’m doing it wrong, 
or if there’s a problem with the FIB code and IPv6 routes.

Thanks in advance for any help or clarification!

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