On 1/21/2016 11:04 AM, Nick Rogers wrote:
On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 2:01 PM, Matthew Grooms<mgro...@shrew.net>  wrote:


I have a curious problem with a lightly loaded pair of pf firewall running
on FreeBSD 10.2-RELEASE.  I'm noticing TCP entries are disappearing from
the state table for no good reason that I can see. The entry limit is set
to 100000 and I never see the system go over about 70000 entries, so we
shouldn't be hitting the configured limit ...

In my experience if you hit the state limit, new connections/states are
dropped and existing states are unaffected.

Aha! You shook something out of the dusty depths of my slow brain :) I believe that what you say is true as long as adaptive timeouts are disabled, which by default they are not ...

Timeout values can be reduced adaptively as the number of state ta-
           ble entries grows.

When the number of state entries exceeds this value, adaptive scaling begins. All timeout values are scaled linearly with
                 factor (adaptive.end - number of states) / (adaptive.end -
When reaching this number of state entries, all timeout val- ues become zero, effectively purging all state entries imme- diately. This value is used to define the scale factor, it should not actually be reached (set a lower state limit, see

           Adaptive timeouts are enabled by default, with an adaptive.start
           value equal to 60% of the state limit, and an adaptive.end value
equal to 120% of the state limit. They can be disabled by setting
           both adaptive.start and adaptive.end to 0.
# pfctl -sm
states        hard limit   100000
src-nodes     hard limit   100000
frags         hard limit    50000
table-entries hard limit   200000

# pfctl -si
Status: Enabled for 78 days 14:24:18          Debug: Urgent

State Table                          Total             Rate
   current entries                    67829
   searches                    113412118733        16700.2/s
   inserts                        386313496           56.9/s
   removals                       386245667           56.9/s
   match                          441731678           65.0/s
   bad-offset                             0            0.0/s
   fragment                            1090            0.0/s
   short                                220            0.0/s
   normalize                            761            0.0/s
   memory                                 0            0.0/s
   bad-timestamp                          0            0.0/s
   congestion                             0            0.0/s
   ip-option                        4366487            0.6/s
   proto-cksum                            0            0.0/s
   state-mismatch                     50334            0.0/s
   state-insert                          10            0.0/s
   state-limit                            0            0.0/s
   src-limit                              0            0.0/s
   synproxy                               0            0.0/s

This problem is easy to reproduce by establishing an SSH connection to the
firewall itself, letting it sit for a while and then examining the state
table. After a connection is made, I can see the entry with an
established:established state ...

# pfctl -ss | grep X.X.X.X | grep 63446
all tcp Y.Y.Y.Y:22 <- X.X.X.X:63446       ESTABLISHED:ESTABLISHED

If I let the SSH session sit for a while and then try to type into the
terminal on the client end, the connection stalls and produces a network
error message. When I look at the pf state table again, the state entry for
the connection is no longer visible. However, the ssh process is still
running and I still see the TCP connection established in the output of
netstat ...

# netstat -na | grep 63446
tcp4       0      0 Y.Y.Y.Y.22         X.X.X.X.63446     ESTABLISHED

When I observe the packet flow in TCP dump when a connection stalls,
packets being sent from the client are visible on the physical interface
but are shown as blocked on the pflog0 interface.

Does this happen with non-SSH connections? It sounds like your SSH
client/server interaction is not performing a keep-alive frequently enough
to keep the PF state established. If no packets are sent over the
connection (state) for some time, then PF will timeout (remove) the state.
At this point your SSH client still believes it has a successful
connection, so it tries to send packets when you resume typing, but they
are blocked by your PF rules which likely specify "flags S/SA keep state",
either explicitly or implicitly (it is the filter rule default), which
means block packets that don't match an existing state or are not part of
the initial SYN handshake of the TCP connection.

It happened with UDP SIP and log running HTTP sessions that sit idle as well. The SSH connection was just the easiest to test. Besides that, the default TCP timeout value for established connections is quite high at 86400s. An established TCP connection should be able to sit for a full day with no traffic before the related state table entry gets evicted.

Look at your settings in pf.conf for "timeout tcp.established", which
affects how long before an idle ESTABLISHED state will timeout. Also look
into ClientAliveInterval in sshd configuration, which I believe is 0
(disabled) by default, which means it will let the client timeout without
sending a keep-alive. If you don't want PF to force timeout an idle SSH
connection, then ideally ClientAliveInterval is less than or equal (i.e.,
more-frequent) to PF's tcp.established timeout value.

Thanks for the suggestion! I completely forgot about the adaptive timeout options until I double checked the settings based on you reply :) My values are set to default for TCP and extended a bit for UDP. The adaptive.start value was calculated at 60k for the 100k state limit. That in particular looked way too relevant to be a coincidence. After increasing the value to 90k, my total state count started increasing and leveled out around 75k. It's always hovered around 65k up until now, so 10k sate entries were being discarded on a regular basis ...

# pfctl -si
Status: Enabled for 0 days 02:25:41           Debug: Urgent

State Table                          Total             Rate
  current entries                    77759
  searches                       483831701        55352.0/s
  inserts                           825821           94.5/s
  removals                          748060           85.6/s
  match                           27118754         3102.5/s
  bad-offset                             0            0.0/s
  fragment                               0            0.0/s
  short                                  0            0.0/s
  normalize                              0            0.0/s
  memory                                 0            0.0/s
  bad-timestamp                          0            0.0/s
  congestion                             0            0.0/s
  ip-option                           6655            0.8/s
  proto-cksum                            0            0.0/s
  state-mismatch                         0            0.0/s
  state-insert                           0            0.0/s
  state-limit                            0            0.0/s
  src-limit                              0            0.0/s
  synproxy                               0            0.0/s

# pfctl -st
tcp.first                   120s
tcp.opening                  30s
tcp.established           86400s
tcp.closing                 900s
tcp.finwait                  45s
tcp.closed                   90s
tcp.tsdiff                   30s
udp.first                   600s
udp.single                  600s
udp.multiple                900s
icmp.first                   20s
icmp.error                   10s
other.first                  60s
other.single                 30s
other.multiple               60s
frag                         30s
interval                     10s
adaptive.start            90000 states
adaptive.end             120000 states
src.track                     0s

I think there may be a problem with the code that calculates adaptive timeout values that is making it way too aggressive. If by default it's supposed to decrease linearly between %60 and %120 of the state table max, I shouldn't be loosing TCP connections that are only idle for a few minutes when the sate table is < %70 full. Unfortunately that appears to be the case. At most this should have decreased the 86400s timeout by %17 to 72000s for established TCP connections.

I've tested this for a few hours now and all my idle SSH sessions have been rock solid. If anyone else is scratching their head over a problem like this, I would suggest disabling the adaptive timeout feature or increasing it to a much higher value. Maybe one of the pf maintainers can chime in and shed some light on why this is happening. If not, I'm going to file a bug report as this certainly feels like one.

Thanks again,

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