On 27/05/2016 1:13 AM, John Nielsen wrote:
On May 20, 2016, at 12:30 AM, Aqz <poc...@aquaz.eu> wrote:


I have a very strange issue with passing ARP traffic through bridge
I'm using FreeBSD 10.3-REL VMWare virtual machine as bridge between two
networks using the same IP address space. Bridge interface doesn't have IP
address assigned so it acts more like a switch between those two virtual
networks - let's call them NET and PUB.
Gateway for our network is in NET vlan, all the virtual machines are in the
PUB vlan.

Traffic passes through this bridge, but there are few problems.

I have to manually add static ARP table entries for gateway on all the
machines in PUB network - I can see ARP broadcasts from machines asking
where's the gateway, and the reply but only on one of bridged interfaces -
the one from NET side. The response is not visible on bridge interface, nor
the PUB vlan interface.

Also, when I try to ping a machine that's in NET network from PUB network
all network traffic suddenly stops, even when I'm pinging some nonexistent
host. I have to use virtual console and ping for ex. DNS server, or any
internet host to make traffic start again.

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong - I've been using a similar configuration
before (with physical machines).

Here's my ifconfig output http://aquaz.eu/bridgeifconfig.txt
The first thing to check is the hypervisor. Do you have your VM configured to 
allow the NICs to use promiscuous mode? Is there any kind of IP/MAC matching or 
filtering going on?

Next thing to check is firewall in the VM. Is IPFW or PF enabled? What is the output of 
"sysctl net.link.bridge" ?

The ping problems are definitely weird, not sure what to think about that.

try the netgraph bridge for a comparison
there is a sample implementation in /usr/share/examples/netgraph I think under virtual.lan

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