On Mon, Feb 27, 2017 at 09:36:56AM +0800, Sepherosa Ziehau wrote:

> On Sat, Feb 25, 2017 at 11:56 PM, Slawa Olhovchenkov <s...@zxy.spb.ru> wrote:
> > On Sat, Feb 25, 2017 at 11:09:29PM +0800, Sepherosa Ziehau wrote:
> >
> >> > Can I use per-connection Lua script (for delays and url generation)?
> >> > Not per-thread. I am need to emulate many client connections (about
> >> > 10K-40K).
> >> > Currently I am have some trouble w/ >20K connections.
> >>
> >> I didn't try the Lua script.  Make sure to low the MSL on the box
> >> running wrk, e.g. 10ms.  Well, I'd recommend you to run 15K concurrent
> >> connections on one testing box.
> >
> > Thanks!
> > Can you explain some more this recomendations?
> If you don't lower MSL, too many sockets will sit in TIMED_WAIT state
> on the testing client, which consumes local port space.  Local port
> space depletion == wrk can do more requests.
> 15K concurrent connection on each client box is a heuristic to make
> sure local ports can be recycled timely.  You need to figure out your
> value on the testing box.  But, normally, 15K ~ 10K is doable on each
> client machine for a given server.

I see: you talk about tuning for workload w/ bunch connectios/seconds.
I am need different workload test: many long lived connection, w/
average transfer on each about 1 mbit/s by requesting files about
600KB (and wait some time between, for effort 1 mbit/s average transfer).

> >
> > PS: I am run wrk w/ '--connreqs 600'
> Well, nginx's default setting is 100 requests/connection :).  I use

I am already tuned nginx to keepalive_requests 10000;

> --connreqs 1 to generate "short-lived" connection bomb.
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