On 23 Mar 2017, at 9:02, Andrey V. Elsukov wrote:

On 20.03.2017 03:46, Mike Karels wrote:
The context has gotten messy here, so I’m going to break down and top-post.

I started review https://reviews.freebsd.org/D10059 with a fix for the
reference-count leak.
It changes the semantics so only routes within an in_pcb automatically
do L2 caching.

I’ll put the tcp_output change for V6 in a separate review when this one
is done.

Andrey, could you try your iperf test again? Thanks,

Hi Mike,

The test with IPv6 works without reference leak now, as supposed,
because it doesn't use LLE cache :)
For IPv4 forwarding the problem seems also fixed, but I did only basic

WBR, Andrey V. Elsukov

Thanks, Andrey!

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