Thanks for the questions, good for me to think about it some more.  Short response:

 I don't think it is the FRR config, but the routes received that are crashing it or ospf6d has some other issue.

On 10/11/19 2:12 PM, Rodney W. Grimes wrote:
I just upgraded from FreeBSD 11 to 12 and upgrade from quagga to FRR at
the same time. I've tried frr6 and frr7 and get the same errors.

bgpd and ospfd work fine, but ospf6 doesn't work.? Not sure what I'm
going wrong.

If I commend out all the interfaces EXCEPT lo0, ospf6d does not crash.
What if you comment out just lo0?   Running OSPF on a loopback
interface makes no since, your not going to be able to establish
a DR/BDR pair so OSPF can never really come up on that interface,
and if it did injecting any route from 127/8 into the OSPF lsdb
would be very bad!

Though I doubt this is the source of the illegal instuction trap
it is none the less a configuration issue.

Personally, I always put a 172.17.x.x IP on my lo0 and then advertise that into my network.  I don't make it part of the router config, but I wanted a 'test device' to boot ospf6d and see it crash.  Also, the docs on FRR have an lo0.

I do advertise my 172.17.x.x IP on the loobpback:  This is how I verify OSPF is up -- the IPwill ping from other devices on the network when OSPF is up.  For IPv6, I put a whole /64 on the lo0. So many IPs in v6.  :)

*** LOGS ***

2019/10/10 23:19:31 OSPF6: Scheduling cxl1 for sso
2019/10/10 23:19:31 OSPF6: SPF: Scheduled in 0 msec
2019/10/10 23:19:31 OSPF6: SPF processing: # Areas: 1, SPF runtime: 0
sec 5 usec, Reason: L+

2019/10/10 23:19:31 OSPF6: Scheduling cxl2 for sso
2019/10/10 23:19:31 OSPF6: SPF: Scheduled in 50 msec
2019/10/10 23:19:31 OSPF6: Scheduling cxl3 for sso
2019/10/10 23:19:31 OSPF6: Neighbor state change
[Down]->[Init] (HelloReceived)
2019/10/10 23:19:31 OSPF6: Neighbor state change
[Init]->[ExStart] (2-WayReceived)
2019/10/10 23:19:31 OSPF6: Neighbor state change
[ExStart]->[ExChange] (NegotiationDone)
2019/10/10 23:19:31 OSPF6: Neighbor state change
[ExChange]->[Loading] (ExchangeDone)
2019/10/10 23:19:31 OSPF6: SPF processing: # Areas: 1, SPF runtime: 0
sec 109 usec, Reason: R+, R-, L+

2019/10/10 23:19:31 OSPF6: SPF: Scheduled in 83 msec
2019/10/10 23:19:31 OSPF6: SPF processing: # Areas: 1, SPF runtime: 0
sec 116 usec, Reason: R+, N+, L+

2019/10/10 23:19:33 OSPF6: Neighbor state change
[Down]->[Init] (HelloReceived)
2019/10/10 23:19:33 OSPF6: Neighbor state change
[Init]->[ExStart] (2-WayReceived)
2019/10/10 23:19:33 OSPF6: Neighbor state change
[ExStart]->[ExChange] (NegotiationDone)
2019/10/10 23:19:33 OSPF6: Neighbor state change
[ExChange]->[Loading] (ExchangeDone)
2019/10/10 23:19:33 OSPF6: SPF: Scheduled in 0 msec
2019/10/10 23:19:33 OSPF6: SPF processing: # Areas: 1, SPF runtime: 0
sec 99 usec, Reason: R+, R-

2019/10/10 23:19:36 OSPF6: Neighbor state change
[Loading]->[Full] (LoadingDone)
2019/10/10 23:19:36 OSPF6: SPF: Scheduled in 0 msec
2019/10/10 23:19:31 ZEBRA: client 32 says hello and bids fair to
announce only ospf6 routes vrf=0
2019/10/10 23:19:38 ZEBRA: [EC 4043309117] Client 'ospf6' encountered an
error and is shutting down.
2019/10/10 23:19:38 ZEBRA: release_daemon_table_chunks: Released 0 table
2019/10/10 23:19:38 ZEBRA: release_daemon_label_chunks: Released 0 label
2019/10/10 23:19:39 ZEBRA: client 32 disconnected. 100 ospf6 routes
removed from the rib

*** CRASH ***
Zebra process crashes after the ospf6 process has encountered some error
and shut down or are you indicatong that the OSPF6D process has crashed?
OSPF6d crashes, zebra just notes the client #32, the ospf6 process, saying hello and goodbye.

If I run on the command line and don't background, it bombs after 7
# ospf6d
Illegal instruction
What happens if you remove this lo0 section?

Still crashes, usually don't have lo0 in an a

Does ospf6 come up and run if you remove all the
route-map stuff your trying to do?

Sure, I can try a minimal setup.  This config crashes in the same way:

! Zebra configuration saved from vty
!   2019/10/10 23:58:21
frr version 7.1
hostname orange-ospf6
password sluggo
service advanced-vty
interface cxl1
 ipv6 ospf6 cost 1
 ipv6 ospf6 network point-to-point
router ospf6
 ospf6 router-id
 interface cxl1 area
 auto-cost reference-bandwidth 10000
line vty
 exec-timeout 0 0

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