Jan Behrens <jbe-ml...@magnetkern.de> wrote
  in <20200313202833.cbbe8d1679ac0fd7a8078...@magnetkern.de>:

jb> Dear all,
jb> I'm using FreeBSD 12.1 with an ISP that supports IPv6. I have IPv6
jb> privacy extensions enabled (ipv6_privacy="YES" in /etc/rc.conf which
jb> sets net.inet6.ip6.prefer_tempaddr=1).
jb> Given my router and ISP (who supports IPv6), my machine's FreeBSD
jb> system assigns me 5 addresses through IPv6 autoconfiguration:
jb> link-local:     fe80::<modified EUI-64>%<interface>
jb> ULA:            fd<prefix>:<modified EUI-64>
jb> ULA privacy:    fd<prefix>:<randomized>
jb> Public:         2003:<prefix>:<modified EUI-64>
jb> Public privacy: 2003:<prefix>:<randomized>
jb> When I setup a static IPv6 address in the ULA range, such as
jb> (fd<prefix>::2) and enable the "prefer_source" option (see man
jb> ifconfig), the "prefer_source" option is ignored. It seems that
jb> net.inet6.ip6.prefer_tempaddr=1 takes precedence.
jb> Calling sysctl net.inet6.ip6.prefer_tempaddr=0 fixes my problem but
jb> disables privacy extensions altogether (which I would like to keep
jb> enabled).
jb> Is it intended that "net.inet6.ip6.prefer_tempaddr" takes precedence
jb> over "prefer_source"? If yes, why?

 Yes, and the reason is that RFC 6724 specifies that behavior.

 Why do you want to use fd<prefix>::2 over fd<prefix>:<random> as the
 default source address?  If prefer_source takes precedence, the
 tempaddr will nerver be used.

-- Hiroki

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