Is it possible to specify a link-local address in rc.conf, and get only that link-local address?

When I add a specific link-local address, such as fe80::1/64, to an interface from the command line, and then add a global uincast address, it works as expected, I do not get an additional link-local address.
When I try to do the same in rc.conf however, it does not work.
I have added the following:
ifconfig_vtnet0_inet6="inet6 fe80::1/64"
to rc.conf, but when restarting, I get both fe80::1 and a EUI64-based link-local address assigned to the interface. It does not matter which order I specify the entries in rc.conf. I have tried changing the sysctl net.inet6.ip6.auto_linklocal to 0 in /etc/sysctl.conf, but that does not work (it seems it takes effect too late, the interface still has the AUTO_LINKLOCAL flag set according to ifconfig). I tried adding -auto_linklocal to the ifconfig_* lines in /etc/rc.conf, and while this removes the AUTO_LINKLOCAL flag from the interface, a EUI64 based link-local address is still assigned to the interface.

While there might not be much of a problem having mulitple link-local addresses, this is surprising. Adding a specific link-local address to an interface, even from rc.conf, shouldn't mean that the EUI64-one is created. Perhaps something like ifconfig_IF_linklocal="" should be added, or this is a bug in rc.network. I tried looking through rc.network and related rc files, but I didn't find anything obvious, and I couldn't really figure out how addresses are added to interfaces during boot.

This is causing issues when I want for instance rtadvd to use the fe80::1/64 address as source for router advertisements, since it picks the EUI64 link-local address as source (which means this also ends up in client routing tables as the default gateway). I can work around this problem by adding fe80::1/64 with prefer_source, but I would prefer if there only was one link-local address on an interface.

All of this is on FreeBSD 12.1.

Perhaps I'm just missing something, but this behavior feels a little surprising.

I can share more detailed configuration, and perhaps the whole virtual machine I'm testing on, if needed.

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