> On Jul 23, 2024, at 13:23, Roy Marples <r...@marples.name> wrote:
> ---- On Tue, 23 Jul 2024 18:11:18 +0100 cross+free...@distal.com wrote ----
>> tl;dr; anyone have a good IPv6 network setup based on an IA_PD from
>> their provider? Any details or advice to share?
> I'm upstream for dhcpcd.
> All options related to PD are configurable in the dhcpcd.conf(5) 
> configuration file. There are also some examples.

My apologies, I think I may’ve misremembered which attempt produced which
result.  More careful investigation suggests it was actually dhclient I
was unable to configure in a config file.  So, I’m not sure I ever even
got the PD recognized by dhcpcd.  Perhaps I was not finding the right

> What are you struggling with specifically?

First, I’d like to request of my ISP the PD and understand the answer.
If dhcpcd can also set up internal networks within the PD, that would
be ideal.  Again, I found with earlier work that some clients are able
to do more with “using” the network than others.  I have half a dozen
ish internal networks that I assign /64’s to, and distribute via RA.

Perhaps an answer to Karl’s question might provide me with what I need
as well.  Otherwise, an example or three of receiving and utilizing an
IA_PD response is what I am looking for.

                      - Chris

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