At 04:38 AM 3/2/2007, O. Hartmann wrote:
The last days I tried to figure out why some of my lab's FreeBSD boxes and also mine at home seem to be outperformed by some Linux setups around here and I saw something interesting.

On my lab's FreeBSD 6.2/i386 box (ASUS P4P800, ICH5 with two SATA 150 ports, two SATA 300 drives attached) I copied big files (~ 5GB) from one drive to

Something strange about your setup I would say. I just tried on a Segate SATA drive off an ICH5 chipset (plain old P IV 2.4Ghz). Do you have an option in your BIOS for "native mode" or compatibility mode for the SATA controller ? If so, try toggling that to native SATA mode

[ns4]% iostat -c 1000
      tty             ad4            twed0             cpu
 tin tout  KB/t tps  MB/s   KB/t tps  MB/s  us ni sy in id
   2  447  4.91   0  0.00  23.77  40  0.92  20  0  6  0 74
   4  307  0.00   0  0.00  12.61  14  0.17   0  0  0  0 100
   1  183  0.00   0  0.00  14.50   4  0.06   0  0  0  0 100
   1   63 128.00  47  5.82   0.00   0  0.00   7  0  7  0 86
   0  182 128.00 534 66.70  15.25   8  0.12   0  0 15  8 77
   0   60 128.00 553 69.13   2.00   2  0.00   0  0  8  8 85
   0  182 128.00 537 67.14  14.50   4  0.06  15  0 31 15 38
   0   60 128.00 553 69.06   0.00   0  0.00  54  0  0  8 38
   0   60 128.00 538 67.21   0.00   0  0.00  23  0  0  8 69
   1  301 128.00 495 61.88  12.18  22  0.26   0  0  8  0 92

[ns4]# dd if=/dev/ad4 of=/dev/null bs=1024k
^C410+0 records in
410+0 records out
429916160 bytes transferred in 6.089321 secs (70601659 bytes/sec)

[ns4]# atacontrol cap ad4

Protocol              Serial ATA II
device model          ST3400833NS
serial number         5NF25DTG
firmware revision     3.AEH
cylinders             16383
heads                 16
sectors/track         63
lba supported         268435455 sectors
lba48 supported       781422768 sectors
dma supported
overlap not supported

Feature                      Support  Enable    Value           Vendor
write cache                    yes      yes
read ahead                     yes      yes
Native Command Queuing (NCQ)   yes       -      31/0x1F
Tagged Command Queuing (TCQ)   no       no      31/0x1F
SMART                          yes      yes
microcode download             yes      yes
security                       yes      no
power management               yes      yes
advanced power management      no       no      65278/0xFEFE
automatic acoustic management  no       no      0/0x00  254/0xFE

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