Am 12/15/11 14:58, schrieb Daniel Kalchev:
> On Dec 15, 2011, at 3:48 PM, Jeremy Chadwick wrote:
> […]
>> That said: thrown out, data ignored, done.
>> Now what?  Where are we?  We're right back where we were a day or two
>> ago; meaning no closer to solving the dilemma reported by users and
>> SCHED_ULE.  Heck, we're not even sure if there is an issue, other than
>> some folks confirming that SCHED_4BSD performs better for them (that's
>> what started this whole thread), and there are at least a couple which
>> have stated this.
> But, are any of these benchmarks really engaging the 4BSD/ULE scheduler 
> differences? Most such benchmarks are run on a system with no other load 
> whatsoever and in no way represent real world experience.
> What is more, I believe in such benchmarks "the system feels sluggish" is not 
> measured at all. Even if it is measured, if in such case the benchmark 
> finishes "better" - that is, faster, or say, makes the system freeze for the 
> user for the duration of the test -- it will be considered "win", because the 
> benchmark suite ran faster on that particular system -- whereas a system 
> which ran the benchmark fast, provided good interactive response etc would be 
> considered "loser".

I guess you have some proofs on that "feeling"?

> I think it is not good idea to hijack this thread, but instead focusing on 
> the other SCHED_ULE bashing thread to define an reasonable benchmark or a set 
> of benchmarks rather -- so that many would run it and provide feedback.
> Daniel_______________________________________________

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