
Well, I don't chime in, usually.  However, enough is enough.  There are many 
merits to both *BSD and Linux.  I don't agree with benchmarks that slant either 
way, as I'm sure people in both camps will agree.  Please be adult and just 
agree to disagree.  Technology applicable to the problem at hand is the only 
useful thing that we should all agree on.  Personally, I don't care if it's 
BSD, a Linux-variant or even Windoze if it solves the problem.  So, if you 
would all look at all the time spent venting on this idiocy as time that could 
have been spent coding, debugging, etc, think how much time was wasted from 
people just reading these e-mails.  (Yes, I do and this was an absolute waste 
of my time.)  So, if the communication on the thread was nearly as much going 
to development and finding issues or the causes of the issues, maybe a 
scheduler problem would be tracked down, maybe a benchmark issue would be 
tracked down.  Maybe people will stop
 using RC's versus releases, I don't know.  I really don't care.  Just please 
stop with finger pointing and being disgruntled and indignant.  FOCUS!!

I'd love to say something like "Can't we all just get along" but we are just so 
polar in our beliefs, I don't see it happening.  Just drop it.  If you have 
something constructive to say, spin off this thread and let the primary thread 
just die.  (It should have a week ago.)  Solve the benchmarking issue, solve 
the scheduler issue, just focus.

Paul P.

Atlantis Services

"Civilized Computing"

 From: O. Hartmann <ohart...@mail.zedat.fu-berlin.de>
To: Daniel Kalchev <dan...@digsys.bg> 
Cc: Martin Sugioarto <mar...@sugioarto.com>; freebsd-curr...@freebsd.org; Igor 
Mozolevsky <i...@hybrid-lab.co.uk>; freebsd-performance@FreeBSD.ORG; O. 
Hartmann <ohart...@zedat.fu-berlin.de>; dan...@freebsd.org 
Sent: Saturday, December 24, 2011 9:49 AM
Subject: Re: Benchmark (Phoronix): FreeBSD 9.0-RC2 vs. Oracle Linux 6.1 Server
On 12/23/11 12:38, Daniel Kalchev wrote:
> On 23.12.11 12:48, O. Hartmann wrote:
>> Look at Steve Kargls problem. He investigated a SCHED_ULE problem in a
>> way that is far beyond enough! He gave tests, insights of his setup,
>> bad performance compared to SCHED_4BSD and what happend? We are still
>> stuck with this problem and more and more people realise, that FreeBSD
>> does have somewhere a problem and this seems to be a nasty problem not
>> easy to find or investigate.
> This has made me to realize, that I was having a problem with SCHED_ULE
> that I was not aware of until now. WOW! :)
> Every scheduler has some problem, some fail here some fail there. I am
> confident, that the case that Steve Kargls has reported will be resolved.
>> Another problem is this very elite-feeling closed club. Once you
>> managed it getting into the club of committers or core team members,
>> you'll probably fight for your seat ... I dont propose for that
>> socialists crap Linux people tend to be like,
> [..]
> You never heard of the "People's Republic of Berkeley"? :)
> As for commiter access, this sort of comments trigger the system
> administrator in me. I have seen enough people, who for the lack of
> other excuses always use "but I don't have enough RIGHTS!". I am evil, I
> know....
>> But I follow the illusion that if people can see what benchmarks
>> reveal, they start thinking and if the facts are starting to give a
>> heavy load load on those rejecting the facts, they migght change their
>> opinion or get hopefully replaced by more openminded people.
> Here is now it works:
> If you see an problem and have a solution: go fix it. Many will be
> grateful.
> If you can't fix it, but have an idea how to fix it, share it. May will
> be grateful.
> If you can't fix it and don't have any idea, just say "there is a
> problem" and stop there. There are many, many, many like you who just
> hold their breath.
> We all learn, every day.
> Daniel

Sorry, but your crap is simply breathtaking.

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