On Jul 8, 2014, at 5:58, Ivan Voras <ivo...@freebsd.org> wrote:

> On 27/06/2014 14:56, Konstantin Belousov wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I did some measurements and hacks to see about the performance and
>> scalability of PostgreSQL 9.3 on FreeBSD, sponsored by The FreeBSD
>> Foundation.
>> The results are described in https://kib.kiev.ua/kib/pgsql_perf.pdf.
>> The uncommitted patches, referenced in the article, are available as
>> https://kib.kiev.ua/kib/pig1.patch.txt
>> https://kib.kiev.ua/kib/patch-2
> I'm waiting to upgrade some PostgreSQL machines running FreeBSD 9 to
> FreeBSD 10 - are the patches committed yet / will they be committed for
> 10.1?

What Postgres version are you running? If you're still on 9.2 I don't believe 
it would show a performance degradation.
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