On Sep 23, 2014, at 10:38 AM, Stefan Parvu wrote:

>> ... I rather wish I could get the same information via sysctl.  (Well,
>> something seems to be available via the "opaque" kern.devstat.all
>> sysctl(8) variable, but sysctl(8) doesn't display all of it, and parsing
>> it seems as if that would require knowledge about the internals of the
>> system where the data were acquired.)
> I gave up parsing sysctl via Perl for disks and network devices. It would be
> nice to have devstat properly working via sysctl for disk devices. Similar way
> kern.cp_times does. Currently there is no simple way to extract per disk 
> stats from
> sysctl as a Perl or Sh consumer, unless we build a C module to do that. 

Anyway, for disk stats GEOM offers a nice API. You can get delays per GEOM 
provider, bandwidths, etc.


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