> On Nov 17, 2015, at 8:46 PM, Marcelo Araujo <araujobsdp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2015-11-18 3:14 GMT+08:00 Dan Langille <d...@langille.org>:
>> On Nov 12, 2015, at 1:30 AM, Marcelo Araujo <araujobsdp...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> 2015-11-12 6:34 GMT+08:00 Dan Langille <d...@langille.org>:
>>> On Oct 12, 2015, at 1:00 PM, Dan Langille <d...@langille.org> wrote:
>>>> Following up on the discussions during EuroBSDCon 2015 (Stockholm)
>>> during the FreeBSD Developer
>>>> Summit regarding various ZFS configuration settings, I write to start
>>> our implementation phase now that some
>>>> usual suspects have joined the list.
>>>> re https://wiki.freebsd.org/201510DevSummit/Performance
>>>> I think the first order of business is granting access rights to the
>>> server (varm) in question:
>>>> http://dan.langille.org/2015/07/19/varm/
>>>> During the workshop, mention was made of serial access.  I can arrange
>>> that.
>>>> The server has IPMI, however, my first thought:
>>>> 1 - connect a USB-serial cable to varm & link that to another server in
>>> my rack.
>>> Marcelo: At EuroBSDCon, was it you who mentioned a particular
>>> configuration for the test machine which made
>>> it easy to configure and run tests?  Was it PXE booting or something?
>>>> 2 - create a jail in that server and give it access to that serial
>>> connection
>>>> 3 - redirect incoming port XYZ to that jail via a public-key-only ssh
>>> connection
>>>> 4 - give people access
>>>> Any suggestions?
>>> —
>>> Dan Langille
>>> http://langille.org/
>> Hello Dan,
>> Yes, was me :)
>> I mention about zopkio test framework.
>> I gave a presentation last weekend at PyCon Hong Kong about it.
>> Here is my slides:
>> http://www.slideshare.net/araujobsd/functional-and-scale-performance-tests-using-zopkio
>> The good of Zopkio is, we can write tests at once and run it as much as we
>> want in different machines. Also Zopkio depends of Naarad, that can parse a
>> CSV file and create metrics and SLA over those metrics, plot graphs and so
>> on. Pretty nice tool!!!
>> I'm wondering if we could start to test something and maybe show it at
>> AsiaBSDCon and BSDCon(Canada) next year? What do you think?
>> What I need right now would be a list of tests that we want to perform as
>> well as what parameters we would like to take as metrics to compare.\
>> For tests, we can start with this list:
>> https://github.com/dlangille/zfs_benchmarks/issues
>> We can start as soon as I figure out how to provide access to the
>> testers.  See above re serial connection.
>> I want to provide access, but I want to keep access restricted to only
>> this box and not to the rest of my home LAN.  I plan to do this via a
>> VLAN.
>> I could fire up a Rasperberry Pi and allow ssh into that.  Will that be
>> enough
>> power for what you need to do?
> First of all, thanks to share the tests cases.
> If I use zopkio, the best would be access SSH direct to the target machine
> where I need to run the tests. For zopkio, I need to have my SSH KEY on the
> target machine.

I am OK with this.

> As I don't know your network, maybe what you could do is: Via RasperBerry,
> forward the SSH to the target machine, I will pass-through via your
> RasperBerry where you can control the access for the rest of your LAN.
> Another approach could be, two different subnets and a firewall. Or as you
> said, VLANS.

I will be doing VLANS, which have yet to be set up.

The target system will have ZFS pools can be configured for different tests 
(i.e. raidz2 vs raidz3).
This will involve gpart etc because the drives & pools will need to be 'wiped' 
between different test

I seem to recall someone suggesting PXE boot and configuring the system 
remotely.  Does anyone 
recall that?  That aspect of the discussion was not recorded: 

Dan Langille

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