Meaning?  How does -O0 optimization and INVARIANTS affect this?  

Personally, I find everything on Phoronix "out-of-the-box" FreeBSD and 
optimized Linux.  *shrug*  Apples? Meet Oranges.  I make my money as a 
contractor supporting RH/CentOS, but it's always funny to give people the heads 
up on who uses FreeBSD as their starting point and to let them know the home 
network runs on FreeBSD.

When people think Linux (which they believe is the only OSS "Operating System" 
out there)  I have to explain kernel and user space and then explain FreeBSD is 
both and then show them the numerous CVE exploits for that year.... 150+ versus 
~15.  Faster is not always better, especially when you're circumventing 
standards to get that speed. (I remember the IIS vs Apache wars....  Turned out 
that IIS was not doing things properly and circumvented a lot of exploit 
protections for that speed.)  

Building an OS that does everything well OOB, FreeBSD can do that.  Optimize 
for application specific....  It usually wins, places or shows.  

Sadly, I didn't realize that FreeNAS was using OpenZFS vs the FreeBSD ZFS.  
Here's my question.... Why?  It was my understanding that SUN made it OSS and 
there are conflicts with the CDDL and GPL.  It seems silly to lose performance 
for no reason.
As for phoronix, I read it for a laugh.  It's funny how so many "Linux is 
everything/rules" people I meet who just use it as a shield and have never 
evaluated the kernels of both and the surrounding userland.  The FreeBSD 
project is tight, goes through a proper QA and release cycle and out pops, even 
a x.0 release, a fully useful new OS version with everything neat, tidy, 
functional and fast.  (So, if FreeBSD can do this, why are all the crazies that 
are producing software screaming AGILE and quick releases which still has not 
solved the problem of crap code?)
Ooops, bit of a rant.... sorry all,

    On Thursday, March 21, 2019, 12:37:23 PM EDT, Matthew Macy 
<> wrote:  
 These were run with ZoF compiled with -O0 and INVARIANTS. Take what you
read with a grain of salt.

On Thu, Mar 21, 2019 at 09:28 Miroslav Lachman <> wrote:

> There is a benchmark comparing ZFS in FreeBSD 12 with ZFS in TrueOS
> based on ZFSonFreeBSD 9
> FreeBSD ZFS vs. TrueOS ZoF vs. DragonFlyBSD HAMMER2 vs. ZFS On Linux
> Benchmarks
> I am interested if there will be enough testing before replacing the
> official FreeBSD code base with ZoF. ZFS in FreeBSD 12 is much faster so
> I am afraid if FreeBSD based on ZoF will be as fast as our current
> implementation of ZFS.
> Kind regards
> Miroslav Lachman
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