These are excellent pointers and get me on my way! Thank you very much
Walter. Invaluable.

On Sun, 7 Feb 2021 at 15:55, Walter von Entferndt
<> wrote:
> At Sonntag, 7. Februar 2021, 13:00:04 CET Vladilen Kozin
> <> wrote:
> > [1 dedicated disk/ufs per thread, no redundency,...]
> RTFM tuning(7), zpool(8), zfs(8), gjournal(8), gstripe(8), gsched(8).
> - Obviously striping the disks will be beneficial, but it seems you
> don't want that (not enough disks?) & know what you're doing.  I suppose
> your special task can tolerate data loss intentionally (no redundency).
> - Having the intent log on a dedicated, fast medium (SSD or NVD) would
> gain performance.  Either ZFS can do that, or you can use gjournal(8).
> - Inserting an I/O scheduler might improve performance, too (gsched(8)).
> Yes, UFS is likely faster than ZFS on such a setup, but ZFS offers many
> advantages in terms of administration, fault tolerance & reliability.
> You can fetch my scripts to insert the scheduler (rc(8) script) &
> fs_summarize.awk to estimate the parameters for newfs(8) from the forums
> in the thread "Useful scripts".  I.e. run the AWK script on some samples
> of your working data, then adjust the appropiate knobs to newfs(8).
> Note that ZFS automagically adjusts to the I/O chunk size.
> To monitor the I/O, use systat(1).  Additionally, you can find a
> plethora of ports(7) for this, use psearch(1) or portfind(1) (install
> 1st).
> --
> =|o)  "Stell' Dir vor es geht und keiner kriegt's hin." (Wolfgang Neuss)

Best regards
Vlad Kozin
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