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Mike Tancsa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It very well could be the booze 2 nights ago making me misread 
> something obvious, but should not
> nat on $ext_if from {$internal204,!$server1,!$server2}  to any -> 
> $officepublicIP
> be the same as
> nat on $ext_if from 
> {,,,,,,,}
> to any -> $officepublicIP
> and the same as
> nat on $ext_if from <204network>  to any -> $officepublicIP
> Where
> officepublicIP=
> internal204=
> server1=
> server2=
> table <204network> {!$server1,!$server2,$internal204}

The mistake you're making here is the consider pf's syntax to be a
combined AND'd statement of boolean logic, which it is not.  It is
really just simple macro expansion, which does not equate to the same

As you noted, a rule such as this:

    nat on $ext_if from {$internal204,!$server1,!$server2}  \
        to any -> $officepublicIP

equates to the expanded ruleset:

    nat on $ext_if from $internal204 to any -> $officepublicIP
    nat on $ext_if from !$server1    to any -> $officepublicIP
    nat on $ext_if from !$server2    to any -> $officepublicIP

Since $server1 is on the same network as $internal204, server1's traffic
will be NAT'd because it matches rule 1.  And worse, rule 2 matches
nearly any traffic you forward, and even matches the firewall's own
traffic, because almost any source IP seen by the firewall will be
"not $server1's IP," so it matches the rule.

It sounds like what you really want is a clever collection of "no nat"
rules to prevent NAT from happening on certain addresses, followed by
"nat", such as:

    no nat on $ext_if from {$server1,$server2} to any
       nat on $ext_if from $internal204        to any -> $officepublicIP

This has the desired expansion:

    no nat on $ext_if from $server1     to any
    no nat on $ext_if from $server2     to any
       nat on $ext_if from $internal204 to any -> $officepublicIP

and hopefully does what you want.

- -- 
David DeSimone == Network Admin == [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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