On Sun, 9 Nov 2014, Dewayne Geraghty wrote:

> Dave, I think that you will be better served by going straight to 
> 10.RC4.  There were a few enhancements to PF in 10, thanks to Gleb's 
> ongoing commitment. (I'm moving production devices from ipfw, after 13 
> years use, to pf on 10.1R)

I was halfway through 9.3, and I wasn't about to cancel it :-)

Anyway, PF is now working, so I can say with some degree of confidence 
that it does *not* work on FreeBSD 8, at least with the FXP0.

When the dust settles a bit (I went 8.2 -> 8.4 -> 9.3 on this weekend 
alone) I'll dip my toe in the FreeBSD 10 waters.

> However if you customise your kernel & ports you are likely to 
> experience some pain with the transition from 8.

I never touch the installed stuff; I did have some trouble with the ports, 
though (something about Makefile errors) so I'll do what I did on my 
MacBook (its ports is based on FreeBSD's) i.e. blow it away and reinstall 
the entire ports tree.

Dave Horsfall DTM (VK2KFU)  "Bliss is a MacBook with a FreeBSD server."
http://www.horsfall.org/spam.html (and check the home page whilst you're there)
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