sorry for noise, please ignore this incomplete message

Zeus Panchenko <> wrote:

> greetings,
> I have two wan intefaces, wan1 and wan2
> wan1 is for default
> I have subnet in my LAN all replies from which I need to direct through
> wan2
> I hoped to do that with this pf configuration:
> if_service = "vlan1234" # service network
> table <service> const { }
> # requests for the service 
> rdr pass on $if_wan2 proto { tcp, udp } to ($if_wan2) port 1234 -> 
> port 5678
> nat log on $if_wan2 from <service> to any -> ($if_wan2)
> ...
> pass in log on $if_video route-to ($if_wan3 $gw_wan3) from <ivideons> to ! 
> <martians> keep state

Zeus V. Panchenko                     
IT Dpt., I.B.S. LLC                                       GMT+2 (EET)
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