rdr pass log proto udp \
   from {<all-public-ip-space>,<all-rfc1918-space>} \
   to <pxe-servers> port tftp \
   tag ALLOWED \
   -> port 6969

There is a pass quick tagged ALLOWED later in rules.

/etc/inetd.conf contains:

acmsoda dgram   udp     wait    root    /usr/libexec/tftp-proxy tftp-proxy

Depending on circumstances, we see a lot or a very few of the following
"pf connection lookup failed (no rdr?)"

We also see very slow tftp response through the 11.1 firewall, with
occasional complete failures.

On 12/03/2017 11:40 AM, Kristof Provost wrote:
> On 2 Dec 2017, at 4:56, John Jasen wrote:
>> Attempts to run tftp-proxy across a freebsd system running pf result in
>> very slow performance and an endless amount of:
>> "pf connection lookup failed (no rdr?)"
>> Is there something that has regressed in 11.1, or am I missing something?
> I’m not aware of any such regressions, but that of course doesn’t mean the
> can’t be there.
> Can you post the relevant bits of your rules/configuration? A small test case
> would be ideal.
> Regards,
> Kristof

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