On Fri, 28 Feb 2020 15:35:23 -0800 Sean Yeh sean.yeh...@gmail.com said

Hi FreeBSD-pf members,

I hope you guys are enjoying your weekend!

I was wondering if any of you happened to know if the code for the ALTQ
feature of pf could be separated and used for NetBSD's pf function. I'm
currently investigating methods to improve NetBSD's ALTQ feature, which
hasn't been updated in 15+ years:

According to the man pages of freeBSD's pf function, FreeBSD uses a
modified pf of openBSD 4.5 pf function. Are there any complications that
you foresee trying to port FreeBSD's current ALTQ code into NetBSD?
In all honesty. If you have to ask. You will likely find it challenging. ;) ;)
But *please* don't let that discourage you!
If you're a kernel hacker, and or have a good eye for patterns. You should
be able to find the similarities by different names to match them up.
But that doesn't mean that in the end it'll work. I haven't personally
made any comparisons. I'm only familiar with the FreeBSD variety.

My 2¢ FWIW :)

FreeBSD 14.0-FUTURE #0.000 cray256

Thank you for all your help,

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