You can use overload option.
"With the overload <table> state option, source IP addresses which hit either of the limits on established connections will be added to the named table."

pass out log quick on $if_lan inet proto tcp to $rdp_int port rdp keep state \
   (max-src-conn-rate 15/86400, overload <rdp-bruteforce> flush global)

# pfctl -t rdp-bruteforce -vTs
        Cleared:     Thu Mar  4 08:09:50 2021

According to
       reason code
          True if the packet was logged with the specified PF reason code.
          The known    codes are: match, bad-offset, fragment, short, normal-           ize,  and    memory (applies    only to    packets logged by OpenBSD's or
          FreeBSD's    pf(4)).

11.03.2021 22:17, mike tancsa пишет:
I am trying to track down the IPs that are hitting my src limits, but I
dont seem them logged. According to

I should be able to see the reason something got blocked

e.g. if I have something like

pass in log on $outside_nic proto tcp from any to $http_server port 80
keep state (max 25 max-src-conn-rate 2/60)

How would I find the IP that is tripping up the max state rule or
max-src-conn-rate ?

Looking at

pfctl -sinfo -v

Limit Counters
   max states per rule               293319            0.2/s
   max-src-states                         0            0.0/s
   max-src-nodes                          0            0.0/s
   max-src-conn                           0            0.0/s
   max-src-conn-rate                  10273            0.0/s
   overload table insertion               0            0.0/s
   overload flush states                  0            0.0/s

The counters are increasing, but I never see it in pflog

tcpdump -tttt -nei pflog0 -s0 reason state-limit or reason src-limit


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