Rene Ladan wrote:

> Oliver Lehmann wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > to try out xfce 4.4 beta 2 you'll find a patch and a shar file (for new
> > ports) at 
> > 
> >
> > 
> I'm now running 4.4 beta 2 as my main (!) window manager, so far so good :)
> However, are there any plans to port the following applications?
> - x11-fm/thunar
> - deskutils/orage
> - editors/mousepad
> - xarchiver (into archivers)
> The ports of the first three applications are referenced in the patch,
> but not created.  Especially the lack of thunar seems to disable a lot
> of entries in the 'accesoires' subentry of the xfce menu.

I don't get you? The first 3 ports are in the collection, and the last
one will only work with GNU-tar so there needs to be an extra dependency
- and I planned to create a port for that but I'm not finished yet
because of real-life.

> Shouldn't the patch also remove old ports (e.g. x11-fm/xfce4-wm) or will
> this be done with the actual commit to the ports tree?

old patches will be removed after the 4.4 commit...

 Oliver Lehmann
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