On Saturday 15 July 2006 15:51, Ulrich Spoerlein wrote:
> Hi,
> the FUSE NTFS team has release a new version of its NTFS driver
> which promises to deliver write support for NTFS to FreeBSD.
> http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=23836054&for
> I made a port of the driver and fixed some build errors, but the
> port is still not working (for me), as it is running into an
> infinite loop.
> If some people would like to take it from here, I'd be glad to hand
> the port over, as I don't have that much time. At least all the
> boring stuff (pkg-descr, pkg-plist) has been taken care of.
Would you post the port somewhere?  Once Csaba gets the next update 
out he might have time to take a look.

Anish Mistry
AM Productions http://am-productions.biz/

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