Thierry Lacoste wrote:

> It seems that the default loglevel is set to 256; correct?
> Is this the default for openldap?
> I've been grepping through the sources but was unable
> to verify my hypothesis. How can I know the actual default loglevel?



      loglevel 256"

So, Correct, yes.  However that loglevel records the activity of the
server in about the same level of detail as you'ld hope to see from any
other network server.

> Because slapd is logging through local4 and /etc/syslog.conf contains
> *.=debug   /var/log/debug.log
> the file is growing rapidly.
> Are these defaults recommended for a production server?
> If not, what are the recommendations concerning slapd loglevel
> and/or syslog.conf configuration?

Having slapd write logs is certainly a good thing.  However it seems
that your only choice of how to log what slapd does is via syslog using
the LOG_LOCAL4 facility.  If the slapd logging is too voluminous and 
clogging up files that should show other logs, you can tell syslog not
to include it.  Eg for your debug.log:

    *.=debug               /var/log/debug.log



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       7 Priory Courtyard
                                                      Flat 3
PGP:         Ramsgate
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