On Thu, 10 Aug 2006 17:58:37 -0300
Alejandro Pulver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> mentioned:
> I can't (the file is being patched for another reason) because
> "-lpthread" is part of an autoconf macro (maybe it should be patched
> to respect ${PTHREAD_LIBS}, but then won't be GNU compatible).

It's not the part of autoconf/automake suite, nor the libtool. It
should be defined in the package itself.

Try to grep out where it's defined. It might be site-specific macro
in m4 folder or smth. about. 

Stanislav Sedov         MBSD labs, Inc.         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Россия, Москва         http://mbsd.msk.ru

If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts.  -- A. Einstein
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