Thanks for the pointers.

What I've discovered about the compile error for php-templates
is that the "bad" code is there as an aid to debugging memory issues.

That is, the zend code appears to depend on pre-processor behavior to
correctly embed the filename and line of the source code in the code
itself, to be stored here:

 typedef struct _zend_mem_header {
         long magic;
         char *filename;
         uint lineno;
         int reported;
         char *orig_filename;
         uint orig_lineno;
 # ifdef ZTS
         THREAD_T thread_id;
 # endif
     struct _zend_mem_header *pNext;
     struct _zend_mem_header *pLast;
         unsigned int size:31;
         unsigned int cached:1;
 } zend_mem_header;

I haven't clearly thought this out, but something about this bugs
me...  I don't know if it's the irony of being tripped up by a
debugging aid, or the lack of separation of the code itself from the
tools used to debug the code, but I'm definitely irritated by this.


P.S.  FYI, I'm using "gcc version 3.4.4 [FreeBSD] 20050518"
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