On 12/4/06, Wesley Shields <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> After a cursory exam this looks really great! I'd love to see this, or
> something like it added ASAP. At minimum the bsd.port.mk patch should
> definitely be added even if it takes a while for the other stuff to
> percolate.
> Doug

I'm fairly certain that the bsd.port.mk patch requires the other one
(pkg_create will fall over when it encounters the @distfile lines).  I'd
be happy to send-pr it if nobody objects in a day or two.

The bsd.port.mk patch could be changed to:

.if (${OSVERSION} > 602100  && ${OSVERSION} < 700000) || ${OSVERSION} > 700027
PKGDISTFILE= "comment distfile"
-       ${ECHO_CMD} "@distfle $${file}" >> ${TMPPLIST}; \
+       ${ECHO_CMD} "@${PKGDISTFILE} $${file}" >> ${TMPPLIST}; \

This would allow the bsd.port.mk patch be added, without having to
update the pkg_install tools on older systems.

Then the ports tools (portupgrade, portmaster, ..) could be changed to
look for either "@distfile" or "@comment distfile" in the +CONTENTS

I also noticed that the patch to the pkg_info man page is using a
lower case f, instead of an upper case F for the option to show the
distfiles of a given package.

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