On Sun, Dec 03, 2006 at 09:28:40PM +0800, Rong-En Fan wrote:
> >   
> > http://pointyhat.freebsd.org/errorlogs/i386-5-exp-latest/index-maintainer.html
> > 
> > We're now down to fewer than 110 ports that need to be corrected to
> > deal with a non-standard X11BASE location (the rest are more general
> > port problems).  By now only 17 of those broken ports are
> > unmaintained, so the majority of them are waiting on individual
> > maintainers to step up and/or approve fixes already submitted by other
> > users.
> One major problem I encountered so far is math/vtk* and
> science/paraview. They all uses CMake system (devel/cmake).
> I'm not quite sure what's the best way to make its makefile accepts
> correct X11BASE. One possibility is to patch its FindX11 module, but
> it seems to me that these ports contain their CMake/ in their
> distribution, i.e., we need to patch each ports.
> Any cmake experts?

I fixed cmake yesterday. Now vtk* ports should be just fine.

Rong-En Fan

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