Hi all,
I am trying to kerberize my Apache 2.0.59 server running on FreeBSD 6.1
using mod_auth_kerb. I've followed the excellent tutorial on
http://www.grolmsnet.de/kerbtut/ I maintain the FreeBSD system itself
using portsnap and portmanager; all ports are current.
I tried to build mod_auth_kerb using the usual FreeBSD way
cd /usr/ports/www/mod_auth_kerb/ && make install clean
(see also http://www.freshports.org/www/mod_auth_kerb/), but that didn't
work because the official current version mod_auth_kerb-5.0.r6_1 seems
to require Apache 1.3
(see also
I tried applying the patch from
/text/2006/freebsd-apache/20061029.freebsd-apache which only worked for
1 file, so I patched the remaining 2 manually. Now I get the following
compile error:
(wrapped for readability)
   --mode=compile cc
   -o spnegokrb5/asn1_MechType.lo
   spnegokrb5/asn1_MechType.c && touch spnegokrb5/asn1_MechType.slo
In file included from spnegokrb5/asn1_MechType.c:11:
/usr/local/include/der.h:77: error: syntax error before
/usr/local/include/der.h:85: error: syntax error before
/usr/local/include/der.h:87: error: syntax error before
/usr/local/include/der.h:89: error: syntax error before "heim_oid"
/usr/local/include/der.h:106: error: syntax error before
/usr/local/include/der.h:108: error: syntax error before "heim_oid"
/usr/local/include/der.h:110: error: syntax error before
/usr/local/include/der.h:114: error: syntax error before
/usr/local/include/der.h:120: error: syntax error before '*' token
/usr/local/include/der.h:122: error: syntax error before '*' token
/usr/local/include/der.h:124: error: syntax error before '*' token
   (many more)
/usr/local/include/der.h:173: error: syntax error before '*' token
/usr/local/include/der.h:175: error: syntax error before '*' token
/usr/local/include/der.h:176: error: syntax error before '*' token
apxs:Error: Command failed with rc=65536
gmake: *** [src/mod_auth_kerb.so] Error 1
*** Error code 2
Stop in /usr/ports/www/mod_auth_kerb.
Why is there no official mod_auth_kerb version for Apache 2.x ?  
I cannot be the only one who needs it.
What am I doing wrong ?


CU Stefan

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