Can anyone else confirm a problem or lack of problem building math/R
with the build option for math/atlas using the new gcc42 ?
Last night, I rebuilt math/blas and math/atlas successfully using their
default settings. I have had no problem with them.
Then, I built math/R selecting all the options in the options window
(letterpaper, dvi manuals, atlas). I know from previous attempts that
math/R builds successfully on this machine using the latest gcc42 with
all options except when I select math/atlas. When I delete
/var/db/ports/R/options (to reset the options), math/atlas is not
automatically selected.
math/R built up to the point of starting lapack stuff (right after
graphics devices), and then stops building, but R continues to use 100%
CPU cycles. I allowed it go for two hours with no more progress. R
(without atlas) would complete in maybe 20 minutes. The computer
remained responsive, but I had to kill R.
math/R built successfully with math/atlas on this computer before the
change to gcc42. In my make.conf, I identify the CPU as Pentium-M, but
I have no optimization settings in make.conf.
Rick Voland
vittorio wrote:
I helped the mantainer to update R to both 2.4.0 and to 2.4.1 (ports/107638,
still waiting to be committed, long overdue).
I can't understand the point!
On a pentium 4 notebook I hadn't the slightest problem in compiling the latest
R, atlas, blas and lapack.
As a matter of fact R requires 'blas' as a dependency as well as 'atlas'. So
if you compile/update atlas (i did it yesterday!) by default blas should be
compiled and installed.
I suggest to install the following packages with the default configuration in
this order:
1) blas
2) atlas
3) R
Let me know....
Alle 01:30, mercoledì 24 gennaio 2007, NAKATA Maho ha scritto:
I recieved some message that we cannot build math/R.
If one use ATLAS instead of BLAS/LAPACK, build of math/R stops at:
mkdir ../../../../library/grDevices/libs
and then hangs with 100% CPU usage.
I don't know how I fix it sorry.
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