Garrett Cooper wrote:
lveax wrote:
On 3/8/07, Garrett Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
lveax wrote:
> hey all.
> i noticed there is a vm called VirtualBox even faster then vmware..
> and it is opensource.
> is it possible that anyone one bring it to freebsd ports tree?

Problem--that emulator requires ALSA for sound support, so you're most
likely stuck running with Linux emulation mode. Not sure if that'd
really be an improvement :(..

thank you..

seems it is support windows? windows didn't have ALSA.

or disable the sound function?

That's the binary build though :\.. the configure script looks for linux sources too, which suggests that it uses other kernel tie-ins.


From <> (please ignore the fact that it says Linux at the top):

You need:

    * GCC 3.2.3 or later

* as86 (real mode assembler, usually part of the dev86 or bin86 package)

    * bcc (Bruce Evans C Compiler; often part of the dev86 package)

    * IASL (Intel ACPI compiler)

    * xsltproc (libxslt, XML style sheet processor)

    * libxerces (Xerces XML parser; the C++, not the Java version)

* libxalan (Xalan XSL library, depends on Xerces; again, the C++, not the Java version)

    * libXcursor (required to support color mouse pointers in guest)

    * Qt 3.3.x (with x >= 5 if possible)

    * libIDL

    * libSDL

    * ALSA

So, I don't think it's really possible at this time. However, if OpenBSD's making progress then maybe it'd be a good idea to take a look at what they're doing..

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